Borrego Valley Groundwater Basin
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On July 20, 2020, the Court approved a Notice of Commencement of Groundwater Adjudication and Form Answer for use in the below-referenced case, a comprehensive adjudication of the Borrego Springs Groundwater Subbasin No. 7-024.01: Borrego Water District v. All Persons Who Claim a Right to Extract Groundwater in the Borrego Valley Groundwater Subbasin, etc., et al., San Diego Superior Court Case No. 37-2020-00005776-CU-TT-CTL Comprehensive Groundwater Adjudication. The Court approved the stipulated judgment for the Borrego Springs Subbasin on April 8, 2021 and established the Borrego Springs Watermaster as the entity responsible for managing groundwater use in the Borrego Springs Subbasin.
Basin Description ( 7-24 )
The Borrego Valley Groundwater Basin (Borrego Basin), shown in yellow on the above map, underlies Borrego Valley in eastern San Diego County and western Imperial County. The portion of the Borrego Basin within San Diego County extends southwest from the San Ysidro Mountains to the eastern boundary with Imperial County. The Department of Water Resources approved a Basin Boundary Modification request in 2016, which divided the Borrego Basin into two subbasins - Borrego Springs and Ocotillo Wells.
The Borrego Springs Subbasin (7-24.01), located entirely in San Diego County, is bounded by the Santa Rosa Mountains to the north and the San Ysidro Mountains on the west. The eastern boundary is represented by the Coyote Creek and Superstition Mountain faults. The southern border of the subbasin is characterized by the San Felipe/Yaqui Ridge anticline and San Felipe fault. These geologic structures compartmentalize the deep alluvial sediments in Borrego Springs from the alluvial sediments to the southeast of the San Felipe Wash, which provides a physical barrier to groundwater and stifles flow between the subbasins. This barrier reduces the effect of groundwater pumping in Borrego Springs Subbasin on groundwater storage in the Ocotillo Wells Subbasin.
The Ocotillo Wells Subbasin exists in both San Diego and Imperial Counties. This subbasin is bounded by Fish Creek and Coyote Mountains to the west. The southeastern boundary is a surface drainage divide from the Coyote Mountains northeast to Superstition Mountain. The Coyote Creek fault marks the northeast boundary of the subbasin. The Ocotillo Wells Subbasin is characterized by a relatively small population, few wells and limited groundwater consumption.
Borrego Valley GSA (MOU between the County and Borrego Water District)
County of San Diego
Borrego Water District
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Notice of Intent to Develop a Groundwater
Sustainability Plan
Advisory Committee Bylaws
Information regarding the Groundwater Sustainability Plan can be found by clicking the link.
Public Meetings (Agendas will be posted at least 72 hours prior to scheduled meetings)
On June 3, 2020, the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors authorized County participation on the Watermaster Board for the Borrego Springs Subbasin. Information about Watermaster activities including upcoming meetings can be found at the Borrego Water District website.
Watermaster Board Appointment
Notification Letter
June 3, 2020 BOS Minute
October 16, 2019 BOS Minute Order
October 4, 2019
January 31, 2019
November 29, 2018
October 4, 2018 AC Meeting
August 31, 2018 Technical Meeting
August 30, 2018 AC Meeting
July 26, 2018 AC Meeting
- Agenda
- Meeting Minutes
- Groundwater Sustainability Plan Roadmap Presentation
- Baseline Pumping Allocations Update Presentation
- Groundwater Monitoring Network Spring 2018 Results Presentation
- Socioeconomic Efforts: Proposition 1 Grant Tasks Updates Presentation
- Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems Presentation
May 31, 2018 AC Meeting
Agenda Packet
- Meeting Minutes
- Baseline Pumping Allocations Update Presentation
- Water Trading Program Presentation
- Modifying Land Use Plans, Policies and Ordinances Presentation
- Groundwater Quality Optimization Program Presentation
- Well Metering Plan Presentation
- Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems Presentation
March 29, 2018 AC Meeting
March 5, 2018 SocioEconomic Workshop/AC Meeting
January 25, 2018 AC Meeting
- Agenda Packet
- Project Management Actions Presentation
- Project Management Actions Presentation Notes
- Sustainability Indicators Presentation
- Sustainability Indicators Presentation Notes
- Water Credits Presentation
- Water Credits Presentation Notes
- Water Quality Presentation
- Water Quality Presentation Notes
- Meeting Minutes
November 27, 2017 AC Meeting
Agenda Packet
- Baseline Pumping Allocation Presentation
- Sustainability Criteria Presentation
- Coyote Creek Stream Flow Presentation
- Meeting Minutes
October 26, 2017 AC Meeting
September 28, 2017 AC Meeting
July 27, 2017 AC Meeting
June 29, 2017 AC Meeting
May 15, 2017 AC Meeting
April 10, 2017 AC Meeting

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